Eugenia Leiva Bahamondes

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Supporter / Facilitator / Youth worker

Professional support. Occupational therapist.

Description of your role 

As a support professional, I had the opportunity to instruct Pedro and his course. It should be noted that they were not familiar with the topic of entrepreneurship, however, there was a good response from the course and high motivation to learn more about this topic.

At the same time, a support space was created for families, so that they knew why it is important to undertake and thus provide tools so that they could explore the process together with their children.

This is how Pedro and his family took the tools and began a formal process of entrepreneurship.

Previous experience in enterprise development

I had the opportunity to participate in an entrepreneurship course at the University of Chile aimed at professionals who work with vulnerable populations.


Entrepreneurship of Pedro Dapick and his family. Pedro, a student diagnosed with Down Syndrome and 19 years old.

Field of Business

The venture is a business idea, oriented to the commercialization of handmade Christmas decorations.

Support Needs

In relation to Peter, the following was important:

  • Accompany in their exploratory process according to activities of interest and that were significant.
  • Motivate him to strengthen his personal perception of performance in the face of this new challenge.
  • Bring him and his family closer to formal entrepreneurship content.
  • Approach him to this new productive role.

Regarding the family, the following was important:

  • Instruct in strategies to develop a business idea.
  • Accompany in the search for the best product for its elaboration.
  • Motivate them to persevere in the execution of this new business idea.

Case Study:

With regard to the implementation of the Entrepreneurship Program at the Paul Harris School and after accompanying families so that they began to learn about the subject, Pedro and his family began to explore this alternative.

To start this venture, his mother investigated the activities that Pedro enjoyed, which is how they chose to sell handmade Christmas decorations.

The idea Pedro and his family had is in an early stage of development. Although their business idea is defined, they have continued to explore products and materials to use. On the other hand, both Pedro and his family need to consolidate their knowledge and carry out new tasks related to their business.

The challenges are the following:

Support Pedro in this process, strengthening his entrepreneurial skills. Recognize their virtues, emphasizing the stages of the task that generate high challenges.

Accompany the family in the search for financing, dissemination channels and support from key partners. Generate a solid support network that supports this new venture.

Motivate Pedro and his family in this new process. Let them see in this an opportunity for personal development.

Based on accurate and consistent information, the course helps to organize and order the business idea.

What are your plans for the future ? 

The plan is that within the next year, the business idea has some distribution channel so that it is known and so that it can generate an adequate level of sales that sustains the venture over time.

