Yvonne Ho

Supporter / Facilitator / Youth worker

Job Coach

Description of your role 

Provide Job Coach support to persons with learning disabilities. Contacting potential employers, conducting assessment, job matching and supporting persons with learning disabilities in getting sustainable employment.

Previous experience in enterprise development

Has experienced in running a café that offers training to persons with learning disabilities.


Syed Rakin Hazman Bin Syed Redzal Hisham

Syed Rakin is a persons with Autism who has been coming to United Voice to attend “Transition” training for the past 2 years. Previously he has about 6 months experience working as an intern in a multinational company. He is very keen to learn things and making friends with others. Whenever he is given a task, he makes sure that he does it correctly. He is learning how to cope with communications and interacting with others.

Field of Business

We have arranged for a trainer to train Syed Rakin to learn how to bake cake. Feedback from the trainer is he is able to understand and do the whole process of baking cakes with supervision. We have suggested to him and his family to start a home baked business.

Case Study:

We have contact the mother to have a discussion about helping Syed Rakin to start the business. However due to other commitment, the mother has yet get back to us about the discussion.

Where did the business idea come from?

Few years ago, his mom did mention about starting a business using Rakin’s drawing to prints on gifts… This is how we found up he loves to draw and paint and the mom is interested to help him setup a business.

Is the business idea in the planning stage/early trading or established?

Brainstorming/early stage

What challenges have you faced in this journey?   

Lockdowns in the country and parent is busy with other things.

What are your plans for the future ? 

For now Syed Rakin is still attending the transition class. He has also pass us some of his paintings for us to assist him to sell.

