United Voice hosted a Seminar, Startup Project: Entrepreneurship among young people with disabilities from 4th – 8th March 2020. The 5-day seminar gathered representatives from United Kingdom, Chile, Greece and Malaysia together to share about best practice entrepreneurship in each country and exchanged ideas in developing materials for e-learning modules. The e-learning modules will be used to train support workers to provide guidance & support for young persons with disabilities towards sustainable self-employment or entrepreneurship. A total of 20 participants (9 Greece, 4 Chile, 3 United Kingdom, 4 Malaysia) attended this seminar. The seminar started with each participants introducing themselves. United Voice staff Wan Ching then share about United Voice. After that another UV staff, Cindy Lim shared about best practises by persons with disabilities entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Representatives from United Kingdom and Greece also shared their experiences and best practises from each respective country.
3 speakers were invited to come and share their experiences at this seminar. Ms. Yeo Swee Lan shared about “Persons with Disabilities employment experiences in Malaysia and also about Enabling Academy” which has a transition program for persons with autism. 2 other speakers Mr Adli Yahya from Autism Café Project and Mr Antony Leopold from Ace Altair Travels Kuala Lumpur Malaysia share about enterprises run for and by persons with disabilities. Mr Adli has a son with Autism and Mr Antony is a wheelchair user.

We also visited “The Bassment 地下事” to learn more about how they setup and run the business. The café is run by 3 brothers, 2 of them are deaf. Each of them is in charge of different responsibilities. The 3 brothers shared their experiences and gladly answer any questions from the participants.

The group also worked on the contents for the e-Module throughout the seminar. Participants were separated into 4 different groups to work on the 4 parts of the module. Some videos for the module were also filmed at United Voice. At the end of the seminar most groups have already come out with most of the contents. Some contents still need to be work on and each group will have further discussion online to improve the contents.