Alejandra Álvarez

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Supporter / Facilitator / Youth worker

Differential educator

Description of your role 

Training level and labor inclusion Differential School E791 (young people from 16 to 26 years of age with intellectual disabilities).

Previous experience in enterprise development

As part of the training processes of our students, the need has arisen to explore alternatives for the social and labor inclusion of young people who require more support and will not enter the formal labor market. In this way, we seek to train ourselves (to transfer knowledge to our students) and empower their families (to ensure that the necessary supports are provided in their natural contexts).

Alejandra had a cafeteria in a personal and complementary way to her work as an educator. In addition, he has relatives who work independently. While Javiera only took one course in 2013. Together, they organize and support the school kiosk.


Potentially the families graduated from our work level.

Field of Business

At present, the closest thing to a startUP in a business idea is the school´s kiosk, a space that has become a learning experience (labor practice) and sale of the products made by the labor workshops (also enabling the self-financing of our training program). Regarding the training of our young students, entrepreneurship content for our students has been included as part of the curriculum of the subject “Labor standards, duties and rights”. On the other hand, as part of the Support Program for Graduates, talks have been scheduled and managed for parents/caregivers together with the local support network (SERCOTEC: Chilean national entrepreneur program) to raise awareness and train in specific and basic elements.

Support Needs

First, to raise awareness and train teachers and education assistants to later transfer knowledge to students. Secondly, access to specific material adapted for the training of young students and their families. Finally, access local support networks in entrepreneurship that incorporate a perspective of law and inclusion around intellectual disability (adaptations) in their training content and application protocols.

Case Study:

Around the school kiosk, the need arises to sell the gastronomic products made by the labor workshops, as well as the opening of learning experiences (work practices) within the school, for which funds and donations were gradually managed for its implementation. , which is already finished and therefore the kiosk is in the operating phase.

Regarding the Training of our families, we are exploring the incorporation of these contents to strengthen their inclusion in the training program.

In both cases, the management of resources (financial, human and training), the lack of adapted material (courses) and the changes

in regulations (Healthy Kiosk Law) that make operation more difficult.

Regarding the training of our students and their families, the course allowed to increase awareness and instruct facilitators in basic elements of entrepreneurship.

What are your plans for the future ? 

Continue strengthening both initiatives, through their improvement in terms of quality and openness/joint work with the local support network.

